The Harpers of Pern...teachers, judges, and smooth-talkers, these men and woman
are a group to be well respected. Manipulators when they need to be, the Harpers can leave you feeling as if you should agree
with everything they say....

The Healers are the men and women who have dedicated their lives to savings those of others.
Whether Threadscored or feverish with firehead, the Healers are the ones you can look to for aid.

The Tanners create the hides on which the people of Pern write their thoughts. Not only that, however,
but they also make skins, rugs, and the like.

The Miners are those who delve deeply into Pern's depths to supply weyr, hold, and hall. Without
the Miners, there would be no Firestone, and without Firestone...

The Smiths are creating new technologies every day to simplify life on Pern, but more than
that, they aid the Weyrs as well. Flamethrowers, for example, was a Smith innovation that gave the queens the chance to fight

Farmers are the ones who develope new growing practices to raise the quality of Pern's vegetable
supply. They are experts on soils and plants.

The Beastcrafters are highly knowledgeable in all breeds of beasts, but runners in particular are
their passion. They research bloodlines turns back in order to breed the finest of animals.

The Fisherman of Pern are so much more than what their title suggests. Though they do indeed supply
the holds, halls, and weyrs with aquatic delights, they are also responsible for many of the maps and star charts that are
available. With their help in exploration, the planet of Pern has become less of a mystery.