Name: Farm Hall
Current Craftmaster: (Open)
Colors: Golden-Yellow
Purpose: Like the Beastcraft, Tannercraft, Weaver-craft, and Bakercraft, the Farmcraft is the
science for the average farmer. It provides the holder with the fruit of Turns of experience and the results of experiments
to which the holder does not have to sacrifice precious dragonlengths of land.
The Farmcraft is aware of the uses of cross-pollination to produce larger and healthier root vegetables, sweeter redroots,
or bigger tubers, and it understands the need for fertilization to keep the soil from becoming exhausted. The Masterfarmer
himself takes on the task of negotiating with Nerat fishermen for fish heads and bones to enrich the soil. His journeymen
travel through the farmlands advising small holders on matters of healthy soil, suggesting where to plant what for superior
yield, and acting as arbiters on when to plant certain crops. Small cot-holders often refuse, as a matter of pride, to follow
the journeymen's directions, but eventually common sense wins out. One problem that has never been solved is the difficulty
the holders have with propagating broad roots.
Location: Nerat Hold
Information curtesy of the Dragonlover's Guide to Pern