ABORTION- considered a necessary in the Weyr, but considered evil in the Holds and Hall. Performed
by taking a 'quick' trip between.
AGENOTHREE- a common chemical on Pern, HNO-3 (Nitric Acid); used as a fertilizer
as well as a flame-thrower fuel
BALLADS- songs sung by a harper for entertainment or for teaching
a pool adjoining sleeping caverns in the weyr, hold, and hall
BEACHBERRY- a low-growing, fruit-bearing bush, somewhat
like a cranberry
BENDEN WINE- made at the Benden Hold; in both white and red; known as the best wine on Pern
used as eating utensils; also used as a tool for fighting
BETWEEN- a bitter cold area of nothingness and sensory
deprivation between here and there
BLACK ROCK- coal like substance
CONCLAVE- Annual gathering of the Lord
Holders or the Weyrleaders (sometimes both) for the discussion of All-Pern business, including the confirmation of new Lord
Holders and establishment of new Weyrs.
COUCH- a bed; covered with rush bags for a mattress, are wrapped with wherry
skins, then topped with sleeping furs
CROMCOAL- expensive alternative to fuelwood
of stars visible from Pern
DAWN SISTERS- another name for the Day Sisters
DEADGLOW- an insult stemming from
glow that is no longer useful; a numskull, stupid
DOORS- most doors in Weyrs are simply cloth hung across an opening;
doors in Holds are made of cloth, wood and/or metal
DRAGON MPH- dragons are able to go up to 30 mph in straight flight
POKER- a game with cards
DRUDGES- dimwitted workers used for menial labor
DUEL- an accepted form of combat
in hold and craft; not accepted in Weyrs because of the danger to losing dragon when a duel was fatal
aid located on the eastern wall of each Weyr telling when the Red Star will Pass; the Red Star must shine through the Eye
Rock to herald Fall; it is set ingeniously and immovably into the Star Stone
FEATHER HERB- plant used to relieve fever
GROUNDS- the area to a weyr where herd animals are kept for the dragons to hunt for food
FELLIS- a flowering tree,
addictive pain killer, the headwoman, lady holder, sr. weyrwoman, or healers keep a tight watch on who has access.
diluted agenothree
FIGHTING STRAPS- straps of wherhide placed on a dragon to aid in riding and mounting; in Games,
or any strenuous flying; the straps have hooks which attach to the belt of the rider's flying jacket
fish common to Pernese oceans
FINGER ROCK- an aid in telling when the Red Star will Pass; located at each Weyr; also
marks Winter Solstice
FINGERTAILS- fish; resembles Terran carp with a whip tail
FIREHEIGHTS- where watchdragon
perches and where watchfires are maintained; firestone is usually kept here
FIRE-HEAD- an illness caused in the Southern
Continent; symptoms include a high fever, head ache, spots in front of the eyes, cold-like symptoms, and sensitive skin
LIZARD- a small sized dragon; it is said that the dragons came from the fire-lizards; they are the same colors and proportions
as the dragons
FIRE STONE- phosphate-bearing mineral which dragons chew to produce flame
FISHROLL- type of fish
and bread combination
FLASKS- for wine and other spirits
FLAT FISH- fish commonly found in Half-Circle Sea Hold
FOSTERING- often in the Hold, Hall, and in the Weyr if a parent isn't able to raise their children the children
would be fostered out to adults who wanted to raise extra children; many uses in fostering are for the Weyrleaders, the masters
in crafthalls, the Lord Holders many children, journeymen, and many other occasions where a parent would not be in the best
position to raise children
FOSTERLING- a child who has been fostered out
FOSTER PARENT- a mother or father
who has taken of the responsibility of raising a fosterling
FURS - the bedding used by weyrfolk and holdfolk
Dragon Olympics; prowess in flying, flaming, etc., shown and prizes distributed; usually during Intervals to keep Threadfighting
skills active
GATHER- an important event hosted at a Hold; competitions with dragons, runners, or fire-lizards; items
are sold by the representatives of each Craft
GLOW- a light source which can be carried in a hand-basket, they are
small round orbs about the size of a mark.
GREEN FRUIT- common to Southern Continent
GRUBS- worm-like animals
that eats Thread
HATCHING- when a dragon clutch hatches and Impression of the dragonets take place; eggs are mottled,
except for the gold queen egg, when there is one
HATCHING GROUNDS- where gold Queen dragon lays her clutch of eggs;
usually inside a volcano but can be anywhere with sands heated by underground fires or gasses; large; tiered seats cut into
the rock for spectators
HERD BEASTS- a cow-like animal, or sheep-like or goat-like. It refers to all of the above.
home of the common people of Pern; originally they were cut into the mountains and hillsides
after impression the name of a dragon rider is shortened for convenience and to show the formality granted to a dragon rider;
women often did not honorific their names
IMPRESSION- the joining of mind of a dragon and his or her rider-to-be at
the moment of the dragon's hatching
IMPRESSION FEAST- held after Impression to honor the new riders
the period of time between passes, generally about 200 turns
KLAH- a hot drink made of tree bark and tasting faintly
of cinnamon; Earth's version is coffee
LOOKING METAL- highly polished metal plate for use as a mirror
TO, IS IMPRESSED BY- refers to dragons and firelizards
LONG INTERVAL- a period of time, generally twice the length
of an interval, in which no Thread falls
MARKS- money, around one inch in length
MATING FLIGHT- the flight taken by a female dragon for mating purposes; golds mate twice a turn and greens twice
or three times a turn; since greens are left infertile from chewing firestone, nothing becomes of the mating process; greens
are flown by all of the male dragons; a gold rising is a time of great importance, since it implies the continuation of the
weyr; golds are flown by bronzes and occasionally by browns
MEATROLL- meat and bread combination
MONTH- four
MOSSTEA- medicinal potion to be taken internally or externally
NEEDLETHORN PLANT- a spine-throwing
bush; shoots its thorns toward anything that touches it; looks like a cactus; needles are used for syringes
HEARTH- a hearth just inside the kitchen with a pot of klah and a cauldron of stew or soup for midnight snacks or people just
getting off Watch or coming off night sweep patrol, etc.
NUMBWEED- plaquey, thorny plant that can be boiled down to
develop an anesthetic, numbing salve, pale yellow in color; SMELLS; found in marshy areas; thick-stemmed bushes with arrowhead
shaped leaves; when smeared on wounds, kills all feeling; used as an anesthetic
PACKTAILS- fish; resembles Terran monkfish,
salt water fish
PASS- a period of time during which the Red Star is close enough to drop Thread on Pern
EMISSION- what a dragon spouts after chewing firestone
PINKROOT- plant used to ease bellyache
common to Pernese seas
QUEEN- the golden dragons; the egg producers
QUEENRIDER- any weyrwoman that rides
a gold, but usually refers to the junior queen riders
QUEEN'S WING- Queen dragons who fly Threadfall, their riders
wielding flame-throwers; this wing flies below the other wings to pick off excess Thread; also, the pregnant female riders
of the fighting dragon who can still ride, the weyrlings before they join their own wings and the recovered injured riders
before returning to their own wing
QUICKAL-home brewed liqour, basically moonshine.
REDFRUIT- citrus fruit common to Southern Continent
RED STAR- the cause of the Thread
plant used to combat infection
ROCKMITES- shellfish
RUSHBAGS- bags filled with rush, usually used for mattresses
when dragonriders go out looking for likely Impression candidates
SEARCH RIDER- a rider or group of riders who look
for perspective dragon riders, both male and female riders
SEASALT- Pernese spice
SEVENDAY- a week on Pern
Pernese tree found mostly in Lemos
SILVERFISH- long, thin dark-colored fish that swims in shallow water
CARBON STICK- like a pencil
SOUR PLUMS- Pernese fruit
SPICECAKES- bread food of Pern
SPIDER-CLAWS- a shellfish; resembles Terran crab with many pairs of jointed legs
SPONGEWOOD- Pernese tree
STONES- an aid in telling when the Red Star will Pass; rectangular; watchrider always beside it; located two dragonlengths
behind the Finger Rock; enormous, chest-high to a tall man, polished surface, incised by two arrows (one pointing due east
toward the Finger Rock, the other slightly north of due east, aimed directly at the Eye Rock)
common to the ocean
SWEETING- jelly or jam
SWEET OIL- used on a dragon's hide
soap; odor freshener; becomes mud-like when mixed with water
TEACHING BALLADS- ballads written to teach of the past
spores from the Red Star
THREADSCORE- wound inflicted by Thread
TIMING IT- an expression used when going **BETWEEN**
TUBERS- edible roots
TUFT GRASS- plant used to relieve fever
TUFT SEEDS- seeds taken from above
plant for medicinal purposes
TUNIC- a long shirt type item of clothing
TURN- a Pernese year
a night reptile distantly related to dragons
WEYR- home of dragons and their riders; cliffs and caves often in extinct
WEYR--weyr- a dragon's den
WEYRBRAT- a child living in a Weyr
WEYRHARPER- a harper posted to
a Weyr; weyrsinger
WHERHIDE- type of leather; coming from wherries, used for jackets, pants, helmets, and other items
rider of the dragon (bronze or brown) that mates with the senior queen of the Weyr; when the Queen dies, the Weyrleader remains
until a new Queen rises to mate; if his bronze or brown flies the new senior Queen, then he remains the weyrleader, or a new
Weyrleader takes his place
WEYRLEDGE- the entrance or door leading to the weyr
WEYRLING- an inexperienced
dragonrider under the tutelage of the Weyrlingmaster
WEYRLING BARRACKS where weyrlings stay until their training is
complete and they are promoted to a fighting wing
WEYRLINGMASTER- trains weyrlings on all facets of Weyr life and dragon
care; a dragonrider himself.
WEYRMATES- Pernese for marriage in the Weyr; usually mates would entail that the female
dragon would not allow any other dragon to mate with her when she rises, allowing the riders to be mates
a harper for dragonriders; is usually a dragonrider; weyrharper
WEYRSPORT- a daytime beast, smaller than a watchweyr
but larger than the fire lizards, indigenous to the southern continent
WEYRWOMAN--Weyrwoman - rider of the senior queen
of a Weyr
WEYRWOMAN--weyrwoman- refers to any woman who lives in a Weyr; usually a rider of a Junior Queen
bird; looks like a turkey about the size of an ostrich; tufts of proto-feathers instead of feathers
WINESKINS- instead
of bottles
WING- fighting complement of dragons; a minimum of 12 riders
WINGLEADER- leader of a Wing; a bronze
or brown rider
WINGMATE- fellow members of a wing
WINGRIDER- a member of a fighting wing
second in command to the wingleader; a bronze, brown, blue, or green rider
WITHIES- water plants resembling reed of
Terra; good eating
WOOD PULP- to write on, stacks in sheets, holds ink
YELLOW FRUIT- citrus common to the Southern
YELLOW-STRIPS- fish common to Pernese waters, not salt water
YELLOWTAIL- fish common to Pernese waters