Crackdust, shards: annoyance
or disbleief
That's well dusted: nasty,
Born under the Red Star: unlucky,
disliked or someone evil
Bend a tail: to defecate
Has a dragon's two stomachs: endless
A hunk of firestone; all gas and ash: blowhard
or braggart
Wherry teeth: nonsense, don't
believe you
Wherry hunt: 'wild-goose chase'
Tail fork first: backward
Like trying to draw an inside straight in Bitra:
next to impossible
Bitrain Odds: not a chance
Hatching fire Lizards: castles
in the clouds
Shaffit!: irritation
Chew it raw and swallow: accept
the inevitable
Dragon among the wherries: wolf
among the sheep
Smokelss weyrling: disparagement
meaning useless
Scorch the shell and sear the skin