Dragon Color
Green: Female. She is the smallest of all the dragons of Pern,
reaching only 20 to 24 feet long. Greens are the most numerous of their species, though very tough, and by some chance
of luck are rendered sterile by frequent use of firestone. The most maneuverable and agile of the dragons, greens can only
last about half a Fall. Their powers of concentration are lower than the other colors, and as such they usually hold such
positions as wingriders only. Impresses to both male and female candidates.
Blue: Male. Blues are the smallest (24-30 feet) but also the most maneuverable of the males,
but not so much as their green sisters. They are the hardest working of the dragons, and typically possess such positions
as wingriders. However, they also make excellent Search dragons because of their emotional sensitivity. They can produce a
flame longer than a green and have more staying power, but are still not able to last an entire Fall. Impresses to both male
and female candidates.
Brown: Male. The second-largest of the male dragons, being anywhere from 30-40 feet
in length, browns are known as the ‘wheel-horses’ of dragonkind. Though typically smaller than bronzes, some of
the larger of this color can meet the size of a smaller bronze. They possess enough stamina to last an entire Fall, and flame
almost as long as a bronze. Being more intelligent than their smaller brothers and sisters, browns are trusted with secondary
leadership positions, such as Wingseconds and even Wingleaders. It is not uncommon for a brown rider to have the rank of Weyrlingmaster.
Impresses to male candidates generally, though a female candidate will on occasion be accepted.
Bronze: Male. The largest of the male dragons (35-45 feet) and the most intelligent alongside
golds. Bronzes are the born leaders of dragonkind, holding such positions as Wingleaders and, if they mate the senior queen,
Weyrleaders. They all seem to be filled with a type of arrogance and assurance of their superiority, though they do not always
flaunt it. Bronzes and their riders have the ‘honor’ of instructing Jr. Weyrleaders and weyrling bronzes what
responsibilities come in hand with such a rank of power. They have the most stamina of the males, and can last an entire Fall
without faltering even slightly. In such situations, they make excellent leaders, even under pressure. Impresses to male candidates
Gold: Female. The largest and most intelligent of all the dragons, male or female, golds
can reach anywhere from 40-45 feet. They are the only fertile females of dragonkind, and to remain as such they do not chew
Firestone and instead use flamethrowers during a Fall. They are called queens, and the oldest gold in a Weyr (called the senior
queen) is the most respected dragon there. No dragon will disobey a queen. The senior queen is responsible for all those in
her Weyr and for clutching more of her species. When mated, their clutch will be of 10-40 eggs, depending on the bronze that
Flew her and how long the Flight lasted. Their riders always hold ranks of great power or responsibility, the senior queen’s
rider holding the position of Weyrwoman. The younger gold riders are all titled Jr. Weyrwomen. Impresses to female candidates
only, never an exception.
Mating Flights
For those with either gold or green dragons, your dragon has the ability to fly in a Mating Flight. This is
the way dragonkind reproduces. Golds and greens have the same basic habits during mating time, but there are a few exceptions
to each. When a female dragon flies to mate, it is called ‘Rising.’ On the day of her Flight, the female dragon
will feel stirrings in her gut of a strange kind and her thoughts will become angry and tumultuous, impossible for even her
rider to discern, followed by a ravenous hunger. This is the first awakenings of the Flight. The desire to feed overrides
all other wants of the body, driving every thought from the female’s mind except fulfilling her desires. She is no longer
a logically thinking dragon, but a creature of lust. She does not even realize what is happening to her, she only knows that
her instinct is screaming at her, commanding her to fill her stomach with meat, and that is the single thought occupying all
of her mind. She will then make her way to the feeding grounds and attempt to feed on meat. However, female dragons laden
with meat cannot fly far or fast, so it is imperative that her rider make her blood (meaning to suck the blood from, but do
not eat any meat from,) her kills only. At this moment, the dragon is a demoness, battling the will of her rider, and will
fight her rider’s command to only blood the beasts. The dragon may fight her rider’s will on every beast she kills
to eat, but usually after she tastes hot blood another kind of instinct will overtake her. The female dragon, after feeling
her desire switch from meat to blood, will then be filled with lust, this maddening heat that pushes her into the sky. She
will then scream a challenge to the males in the Weyr, giving off a glowing aura. All male dragons in the Weyr has the option
of chasing a Rising female. The rider of the female will stand at the side of the Feeding Grounds, surrounded by the riders
of the males, who will form a semicircle around her. The female dragon will then leap into the air to be followed by however
many males wish to attempt to catch her. During this time, the rider’s minds fuse with their dragon’s and they
are like one, duplicating all of their dragon’s acts. They are unaware of what they themselves are doing in their own
bodies. The riders feel and see everything their dragons do, and it is as if the humans are no more, and dragons have been
born in human form. After the dragons leap off, the riders are lead back to the female’s weyr to finish the Flight.
Finally, after many tricks and teasings, the female will be caught and the dragons will mate in midair, the male supporting
them both. In the Weyr, both riders will be filled with their dragon’s emotions–lust–and they themselves
will have sex as well. If the Flight was that of a gold, three sevendays after the Mating Flight the female will lay the eggs
in the Hatching Sands, and a sevenday later they will hatch.
((OOC, the Player of the female dragon will chose which male catches her dragon))
Green Flight Information
A green will Rise to mate several times a year, anywhere from 4-6 times. A few days or so before she Rises
to mate, she and her rider will become irritable, especially with men. When overtaken with her desire to feed, a green will
usually only battle her rider’s will for a short time, and give in to her commands after a herdbeast or two. The aura
she gives off when ready to mate is soft, and her challenging call is usually answered by browns and blues. Though sometimes,
it is not uncommon for a bronze to mate a green. This is a normal occurrence and the riders in this Flight should not react
to the intimate time they shared; the Weyr thinks nothing of these relations since they cannot be stopped. No eggs will come
of this mating.
Gold Flight Information
A gold Rises only once or twice a year, so these Flights are considered special. Neither she nor her rider
become irate before a Flight. When feeling her desire for meat, a gold is very strong-willed, fighting her rider’s dominion
and commands with a viciousness that could overwhelm weaker women. Her aura is a powerful pulse that beckons all males to
fly for her, though she is most commonly caught by a bronze. However, a young gold could perhaps be mated by a larger, more
powerful brown if the bronzes are young and her desire for him is great. This Flight is also important, however, not only
because it bears eggs, but because the rider of the male who catches the senior queen becomes Weyrleader. Also, those riders
whose dragons mate the Jr. Queens become Jr. Weyrleaders. A clutch will always come from a gold flight, though the number
of eggs depends on the male who caught her and how long she flew.
bellow: alarm, irritation, calling for attention
bugle: greeting, information, joy, challenge
croon: pleasure, reassurance, apology
humming: hatching
keen: death cry
moan: distress, anxiety
squeal: fear, surprise
warble: complacent, gratitude
whimper: deep sadness
green: sleeping, pleasure
red: hunger, anger, sexual agitation
white: extreme danger lavender/purple: lust
yellow: fright, anger, anxiety
orange: uncertainty, suspicion
rainbow: agitation
blue/green to blue: general well-being, contentment
The speed with which the eyes whirl indicates the intensity of the emotion