
This is a listing of the NPC and PC characters that call the Beasthall home.  Also listed are the available jobs inside the Hall.  Some of the chars can be adopted and not all of the positions are filled...get with the Admins if you want to start RPing a specific character or if you want to apply for a certain job.

Craftmaster: *Available for Adoption*

Craftmaster’s Assistant: *Available for Adoption*

Masters: *Available for Adoption*

Journeyman/Journeywoman: *Available for Adoption*

Apprentices: *Available for Adoption*

Headwoman: *Available for Adoption*

Stewards: *Available for Adoption*

Head Cook: *Available for Adoption*

Head Cook's Assistants: *Available for Adoption*

Butcher: *Available for Adoption*

Healer: *Available for Adoption*

Seamstress/Tailor: *Available for Adoption*

Laundress: *Available for Adoption*

Nurse aka Nanny: *Available for Adoption*

Drudges: *Available for Adoption*

Hallbrats: *Available for Adoption*

Aunties/Uncles: *Available for Adoption*


All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright ©Anne McCaffrey 1999- 2004, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.

The Dragonriders of Pern® is Reg U.S. Pat & Tm. Office, by Anne McCaffrey, and may not be used or reproduced without permission of the author.