Helios Wing

E'mion of bronze Malekith
S'hon of bronze Mazbeth
___ of bronze ___ (npc)
G'rec of brown ___ (npc)
S'for of brown Alarath
R'lan of brown Nylath (npc)
T'kil of brown Quenth (npc)
L'nuo of brown Enuth (npc)
T'ton of blue Degoth (npc)
L'nol of blue Sarenth (npc)
___ of blue ___ (npc)
___ of blue ___ (npc)
___ of blue ___ (npc)
___ of blue ___ (npc)
___ of blue ___ (npc)
___ of blue ___ (npc)
___ of green ___ (npc)
Serighan of green Nerith (npc)
Veralidaine of green Wesayth
Kifiminia of green Sarelth (npc)
___ of green  ___ (npc)
___ of green  ___ (npc)
___ of green  ___ (npc)
___ of green  ___ (npc)
___ of green  ___ (npc)
___ of green  ___ (npc)

All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright ŠAnne McCaffrey 1999- 2004, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.

The Dragonriders of PernŽ is Reg U.S. Pat & Tm. Office, by Anne McCaffrey, and may not be used or reproduced without permission of the author.