Luna Wing

T'lon of bronze Teranth
G'sel of brown Talmith (npc)
___ of brown ___ (npc)
H'lax of bronze Byranth
D'ran of bronze Euruth (npc)
K'mal of brown Dranth (npc)
A.Weyrlingmaster T'ril of brown Rioth (npc)
G'lonnel of blue Lenth (npc)
C'ven of blue Meronyth (npc)
___ of blue ___ (npc)
___ of blue ___ (npc)
Elleshia of green Jenith (npc)
Elena of green Phereth (npc)
___ of green ___ (npc)
___ of green ___ (npc)
___ of green ___ (npc)
___ of green ___ (npc)
___ of green ___ (npc)
___ of green ___ (npc)
___ of green ___ (npc)
___ of green ___ (npc)
___ of green ___ (npc)
___ of green ___ (npc)
___ of green ___ (npc)
___ of green ___ (npc)

All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright ŠAnne McCaffrey 1999- 2004, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.

The Dragonriders of PernŽ is Reg U.S. Pat & Tm. Office, by Anne McCaffrey, and may not be used or reproduced without permission of the author.